Sunday, January 6, 2008

Rainy Season

One of the worst parts of Iraq is its winter. It starts off in December by getting cold and gets worse in January when the rainy season starts too. When it rains, it doesn't rain for a long time but it always pours down. The rain makes it colder and it also turns everything into mud. The worse part is I work with vehicles for the time being and if any of you have been around where lots of heavy vehicles have been moving you know that they crush all the rocks and make "moondust" a very fine dirt. Well, when this dirt gets wet it feels like mother earth is finger painting. The mud goes everywhere and it doesn't come off unless you wash it, which doesn't help for the boots but at least they are brown anway.

I can't complain much though. The food is excellent, the rooms are good, the toliets are cleaned twice daily, the showers... well, to many people + 1 water heater = not so warm environment.

All in all morale is high which is always good in times like these.


erick said...

Hey mark, its Erick :) im glad you are doing alright over there. I dont know what else to say besides take care and try to enjoy your stay in the sandbox whenever you can. :P

erick said...

Oh forgot to say that you can email me at! :)

Wilby AP Biology said...

Hi Markus,
Dad here. Sorry about the poor weather conditions. We have finally received a break here in CT. The sub zero temps were replaced by 50 degree weather all of last week. All the snow is gone...just in time for a new winter system on Monday.

Birgit is out taking Jon to the airport. He has been out here on leave for the past 2 weeks. Jon and Ericks grandpa died. Jon did get to see him the day before he passed though. Good thing that. It was a nice visit but the living room was a flophouse. You know how that can be! We got to visit a bit with Big Coumo too. He is on his way to Australia for a semester abroad. He has long hair and full beard now. Looks like a 60's hippie.

Take care son. We love you lots.